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Do you have crooked teeth or front teeth that stick out? Do your molars not line up properly? Do you need braces or Invisalign? The American Association of Orthodontists recommends a consultation with an orthodontist by age 7, but you can get braces treatment at any age. 

Your orthodontist can tell you whether you need treatment. Fergus Orthodontics in Jonesboro, AR, performs thorough dental examinations on new patients to figure out what dental issues they have and what we need to do to fix them. 

What are some common teeth problems? What types of teeth misalignment can braces or Invisalign fix? Let’s look at a malocclusion (bad bite) and the treatment options Fergus Orthodontics can use to fix it. 

What Is a Malocclusion?

A malocclusion is a bad bite or a way your teeth are not properly aligned. There are three different classes of malocclusion, each of which can have various types of dental problems. 

  • Class 1 Malocclusion: This is a normal bite in which the teeth are essentially lined up correctly or barely off. Class 1 may not need correction. 
  • Class 2 Malocclusion: This is an overbite where the upper incisors sit further forward from the lower incisors. 
  • Class 3 Malocclusion: This is an underbite where the lower incisors sit forward from the upper incisors. 

These are the basic malocclusions or common dental problems. There are variations from there, which we refer to as dental problems or bad bites. 

These issues need to be addressed because if left untreated, bite issues and crooked teeth could make it more difficult to brush your teeth properly. 

Without proper oral hygiene, you could have an increase of tooth decay, weakened tooth enamel and cavities, and periodontal disease. You can also have difficulty chewing, jaw pain, headaches, speech problems, and even snoring and sleep apnea.

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What Are the Different Types of Bite Problems? 

Within the different classes of malocclusions are types of dental problems. Most people have more than one type of dental problem. 

For example, a person with an overbite may also have gapped teeth. Someone may have an underbite and a crossbite. These different types of bad bites often need orthodontic treatment. 

Will you need braces, clear braces, or clear aligners? It depends on whether you have one or more of these dental problems and how severe they are. Your orthodontist will tell you how much orthodontic care you need to fix your bite. 

Here are the different types of bad bites.  


An underbite is characterized by the lower jaw extending out, causing the lower front teeth to sit in front of the upper front teeth. This can give the appearance of a jutting chin.

Gap Teeth (Spacing)

Missing teeth, an expanded jaw, or simple genetics may cause spacing problems. Teeth should sit side by side, touching slightly without significant space between them. 


Crowding occurs when teeth have insufficient room to erupt. Crowded teeth can often be corrected by expanding the palate or lower jaw, often before getting braces or Invisalign.


The upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth, which may cause tooth stratification and misaligned jaw growth.


The upper front teeth extend out in front of the bottom teeth, creating a space between them. 

Deep Bite

The upper front teeth overlap the lower front teeth, sometimes causing the lower teeth to bite into the palate or gums behind the upper incisors.  

Open Bite

The upper front teeth are angled outward, causing a gap between the upper and lower incisors when the jaws are closed. Sometimes, the lower incisors can be angled inward, often caused by prolonged thumbsucking or pacifier use. 

Midline Misalignment

The lower teeth are shifted, causing the middle line between the upper and lower central incisors not to line up. Often, this means the back teeth also do not line up properly.

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Creating Proper Teeth Alignment

Braces treatment fixes all of these orthodontic issues, and Invisalign can fix them, depending on the severity. The most severe cases likely will need braces. In rare cases, oral surgery or extractions may be needed first. 

During your first visit to Fergus Orthodontics, we will provide an examination that includes dental X-rays and imaging. We will create the best treatment plan for your dental issues and let you know whether you are a candidate for Invisalign or if braces or clear braces are best. 

We will show you what your treatment will do for your smile and how long it will take. We will also discuss financing options with you. Our goal is to make your braces treatment or Invisalign treatment affordable. 

Malocclusion Treatment in Jonesboro, AR

Fergus Orthodontics can repair your malocclusion and whatever types of teeth problems you may have. A straight smile is easier to eat with and easier to clean, but it also boosts your self-confidence and makes a better first impression.

Are you ready for a beautiful new smile? Start with a free consultation with Fergus Orthodontics. Let us show you how we can transform your bad bite into an amazing smile! 

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