Wondering about your orthodontic care during the COVID-19 outbreak? We’re still here for you.
We have been following the news and information coming out regarding the (COVID-19) Coronavirus.
As health care providers, parents, and members of our community, we believe that it is our responsibility to help flatten the curve. We were in a position to stop the critical spread before the government made this decision for us because we believe it is our responsibility to everyone in our community. We understand that this may be an inconvenience, and we will work hard to get you rescheduled as soon as possible.
As these rapidly changing circumstances evolve, we are still here to support you. Here are answers to some common questions to help you navigate this time.
Why Are Your Offices Closed?
Our patients and their families are our absolute number one priority– always. Following the recommendations of health and government officials, we made the tough decision to suspend all elective procedures until further notice. If you have a true dental emergency please contact our office as we will be handling these calls.
While we pride ourselves in providing safe and standardized care for patients and following hospital level sterilization protocols always, we understand the importance of working together to do our part to help “flatten the curve” and keep our community safe.
What Is Elective And What Is Non-Elective?
While we know that orthodontic care is a life-changing journey that impacts each patient’s life greatly, we recognize that isn’t at the forefront of anyone’s mind currently. We are limiting treatment to non-elective treatment only as we help do our part to slow the progression of the Coronavirus. What does that mean? The American Association of Orthodontists has recently released their guidelines on what procedures are considered non-elective, and which are not.
Non-Elective Procedures – including those considered to be orthodontic emergencies, are defined as remedying one or more of the following:
- Significant oral pain
- Infection
- Limited function
- Physically traumatic event yielding the above
Elective Procedures – Unless any of the above is true, problems like loose brackets and bands or lost or broken retainers or aligners should be considered elective at this time..
What Does This Mean For Me?
Please brush and floss thoroughly and maintain your dental health as normally instructed. Use common sense in avoiding foods that could damage your braces, and please always remember to wash your hands before placing and removing your aligners or elastics.
If You Are Wearing Braces Or An Appliance
- Keep good oral hygiene by brushing and flossing three times a day.
- Now is an especially good time to avoid forbidden foods to avoid any breakage!
- Your braces will continue to straighten your teeth all day and night throughout this time.
- If you wear elastics, continue to do so as directed.
- Properly wearing your elastics is important because it will continue to correct your bite.
- When our office reopens, we will continue your treatment.
If You Are Wearing Aligners
- Please make sure to keep wearing your current aligners as instructed.
- For best use, bite into your chewie for 10 seconds and work it around your teeth lightly – biting and holding for 10-minutes at a time.
- Keep your aligners clean and avoid all drinks other than water while wearing them.
- Make sure to use your chewies and bite and hold to seat your aligners in areas where you may see visible space between your tooth and the aligner.
- If you no longer have aligners to continue to your next week, simply reduce your aligner wear to a retainer phase of 10-12 hours per day. (This will ensure that your teeth stay in place and help your aligner last longer.)
What Should I Do If I Have A Problem During This Time?
Keep in mind, many common orthodontic “emergencies” can be managed at home with a pair of cuticle cutters/nail clippers. If you have a wire poking you, a broken bracket, have lost your retainers or aligners, or have any other issues while we are out of the office, don’t worry– just contact us!
Virtual CheckUp
Even though our offices are closed, your progress and concerns are always our top priority. In order to serve you best even during a public health crisis, we have added a new feature on our website that allows for patients to be seen virtually. We ask at this time that patients only use this feature to address concerns or questions.
To get started with your Virtual CheckUp, → click here
I’m Waiting To Have My Braces Removed– Now What?
We’re as excited as you are to see your new smile! Unfortunately, the removal of braces causes a production of aerosol particles that potentially contain biological materials. While we adhere to hospital level sterilization protocols, protecting both our patients and staff is our top priority, so we will resume removal of braces when it is safe to do so.
I Had An Appointment Coming Up– Now What?
As soon as we are cleared to see non-emergency patients, our office will contact you to reschedule your appointment.
Questions? Contact Us!
We are still right here for you. If you ever have any questions, comments or concerns, we want to answer those for you! Please reach out. Our team is here to serve you! Thank you for your patience and understanding.
We are committed to your orthodontic care and will continue to make updates via Facebook. We look forward to a healthier future. We know we’ll get there by doing our part.
We Look Forward To Seeing You Very Soon!
Your Fergus Orthodontic Family