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The kids call out for help with their online schoolwork, there’s another virtual meeting scheduled at 11, and all the creative family bonding ideas you had ran out of steam on day 2 of quarantine… sound familiar? If your days are anything like ours, you’re juggling family, work, and a thousand other things. 

Here are five ways to help you stay sane and reconnect with yourself at a time when we all need it the most.

  1. Clean out an area you’ve been putting off. We know, this sounds like more work, but there is always a sense of relief that comes from having cleared out your closet. Pour a glass of wine, find a surface to sort things on, and see what still “sparks joy” for you. If it doesn’t, put it in a box and drop it at a secondhand shop once this crisis is over! It’ll feel great to check that something off of your mental “to do” list.
  1. Take an online dance class. If you search that one phrase: “online dance class” you’ll find hundreds of opportunities to learn something new or sharpen an old skill. It’s perfect! You get exercise and potentially learn something useful. Bonus points if you can get your spouse to learn how to Salsa with you.
  1. Start a book club. You may have a book you’ve been meaning to read but never got around to it… there’s no time like the present to start reading it and invite some friends to join in! Apps like Libby allow you to check out digital and audio books from the Library. You can use Google Hangouts or Zoom to have a group conversation about your book– as long as you’re not burned out by either of those options from your work. 
  1. Go for a walk. Seriously– if you’ve been shut indoors for any length of time, you need to get outside for a bit! Feel the sunshine on your face… breathe in some non-stale air. Work up a sweat! Being told to “stay at home” doesn’t mean you can’t get outside and take a walk! Just make sure that you’re 6 feet away from anyone else who is also outside. Having some time in nature may be one of the best things you do this week… especially if it means changing clothes before or after. 
  1. Make a scrapbook with your kids. You’ve got the time. They need to do something besides online homework and binging Netflix. Why not work together to record some memories? You could make something to commemorate your family’s memories during the COVID-19 Quarantine 2020, or maybe it’s just be time to put all those old pictures together into an album. This is an especially great idea if you’re feeling guilty that your oldest child has an amazing baby book and your efforts to save memories of subsequent kiddos haven’t gone so well. 

Be sure to steal away a few moments for yourself each day– you are your family’s greatest resource. Make sure you’re taking time to relax and replenish your energy. Take good care of yourselves!

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